Tuesday, April 28, 2020


        So I’m down to write a series of 5 blogs on some social organizations and people of pure soul from my town Chittagong, Bangladesh who have been relentlessly working to make a change. And today, here’s the very first one.

“Nasar: Friend of the anonymous”

With a population over 16 million, Bangladesh finds it difficult to provide proper treatment for all due to lack of enough doctors, nurses and also due to lack of budget. So its a common scenario in many Govt. Hospitals that under privileged people often die of not being treated properly. There’s also a worse situation when victims of road accidents or robbery or abductions get admitted into the Hospitals. They remain unknown or anonymous as long as there’s no family member or attendees for them and thus they remain neglected or untreated.

Article about Md Nasar in a Bengali Daily
Article about Md Nasar in an English Daily


This situation remained the same for Chittagong until Md Saiful Islam Nasar also known as “Nasar: Friend of the anonymous” showed up. An engineer by profession, Nasar finds it his duty to serve those anonymous patients all at his own until he gets them to their dearest ones. Mr. Nasar has been doing this noble job for the past fourteen years (since 2007) and the beginning was never easy. He had to pass through many ups and downs but never gave up. Many a times he was also misunderstood to be a gang member and was mistreated. But nothing kept him away. He never lost hope and kept pushing his limits. He was true to his ideologies and carried out his noble job passing through all odds. Every day after 8 hours of office he travels all the way to Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) just to pamper. Till date he has served about 800 of patients among which 450 have safely returned to their families.   

                                       A documentary on Nasar and his work

Today, after 14 years, Mr. Nasar stands as a successful social worker with a team of 8 members and has found the “Nasar Foundation” which does not only treat the unknown patients but also provides them with foods, clothes and money when necessary. Very recently, Nasar Foundation has also started a free ambulance service that aims to run through all over Bangladesh.


After all these good works, Md Nasar still plans to expand his work areas to all the Govt. Hospitals in the country. Recently, with the help of some sponsors a complete new cell just for the anonymous patients was inaugrated at the Chittagong MedicCollege Hospital (CMCH) by Nasar Foundation. 

The new cell for anonymous patients

Even today, in midst of this pandemic Md. Nasar and his team have relentlessly been working for the Covid 19 patients. They are also helping poverty alleviated families with food supplies during the lockdown.

Lucky me with MD Saiful Islam Nasar 

Nasar, the Friend of the anonymous patients dreams big. He doesn’t dream big for himself but for the society, for the people. “I don’t want money or popularity. All I want is a happy and peaceful society where we will be helping out each other at any situation irrespective of cast and religion”, says Md Nasar. Nasar believes in humanity. Money, fantasy, popularity, nothing could conquer him. Because all he wants is the betterment of the world.

Really the world will be a better place to reside if we all think positive with broad mentality like Md. Nasar.  Find out more about “Nasar: Friend of the anonymous” :-


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S o I ’ m down to write a series of 5 blogs on some   Social organizations and people of pure soul   from my   hometown   Chittagong, Bangl...