Sunday, May 3, 2020


So Im down to write a series of 5 blogs on some Social organizations and people of pure soul from my hometown Chittagong, Bangladesh who have been relentlessly working to make a change. And today, heres the fifth and final one.


In my past blogs, I have written about  Honest and Pay it Forward Bangladesh which are two eminent social organizations working for the betterment of the society by constantly standing by the helpless and underprivileged people of the society. Today, lets take a look at the man behind all these great things.


Syed Muhammad Abu Daud popularly known as Badal Syed is a famous personality in Bangladesh. A tax commissioner by profession, Mr Badal is a popular writer and a social worker who is an idol to millions of young people in Bangladesh

                                                   Some books by BADAL SYED                                                     

Besides Honest and Pay It Forward BangladeshBadal Syed also runs an organization named I have a Dream” that holds different motivational and inspirational sessions for the young generation. He is also involved with Upolobdhi Foundation, a home for the distressed homeless girls. He is also a team member of NASAR Foundation and has been supporting it all needs from the very beginning.


Badal Syed is a man who dreams big. He dreams of a better and peaceful society. In spite of being such a dynamic and solvent person, he thinks about the helpless, needy and the destitute people all over the country. He finds happiness in helping these people. He gets peace of mind by ensuring education for students dropping out due to financial instability.

Badal Syed and his family

In todays modern world, we hardly get to meet people like Badal Syed who firmly believes in making a difference through various social works and initiatives. He is a man of vision who is also the pioneer of happiness and hope in lives of many people.

Follow Badal Syed and his works at Mr. Badal Syed

Follow his organizations at HONEST
                                          Pay it Forward Bangladesh
                                          Nasar Foundation 



So Im down to write a series of 5 blogs on some Social organizations and people of pure soul from my hometown Chittagong, Bangladesh who have been relentlessly working to make a change. And today, heres the fourth one.


PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH (PIFB) is mainly a social organization that works for the helpless or underprivileged students of the country but in a different way. As the name suggests, members of this group help out others not expecting any return but at a condition that the help seeker will someday help someone else once he/she gets stable.


The journey of PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH started back in 2016 through Facebook. PIFB arose from an idea pay it forward ” by the famous American polymath Benjamin Franklin. It was found by a famous social activist of Bangladesh Mr. Syed Muhammad Abu Daud popularly known as Badal Syed.

Founder Badal Syed

In Bangladesh, there are huge number of dropouts who gives up studies due to financial crisis. PIFB is basically a platform for those probable dropouts which connects them to people willing to help them overcome the situation. Since its a Facebook based organization, students facing financial difficulties post in the Facebook group with relevant certificates and documents. Then the members verify those through the relevant authorities. Afterwards, anyone can come forward to help that student once or can patronize him for a longer period.   


The motto of this Facebook group is once the recipients become stable and established in their own fields they must help some one else in a similar way. This chain of helping out each other will bring big changes in society,Badal said.

Today theres about 30000 members in the PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH group and it is increasing daily. Till date over 600 of students are studying through this platform. Though most of these students are from different Universities, PIFB stands by students from schools and colleges as well.  

A get together of PFIB donors and recipients 

Many students from PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH have already successfully entered respective workplaces both in home and abroad. Moreover, some students have also achieved award from the Bangladeshi Govt. for outstanding results. More surprisingly, many students of this platform have also received foreign scholarships and are studying at different prestigious universities of the world.

A PFIB student securing in the first position at a global program in Malaysia

Article about the achievemnet of a PFIB student. 

Presently, during the pandemic situation of COVID 19, PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH has been working in different ways to fight the corona virus. It have been providing free iftar and other relief materials among the helpless people as well.

 Free essential supplies by  PAY IT FORWARD BANGLADESH

PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH doesnt want good results, it wants good and enlightened people. It also plans to expand its work area out of Bangladesh. Surely, its work will bring prosperity and betterment for the society we reside and help in making this world a better place for all.

Founder Badal Syed with a PFIB student who achieved a Govt. award

Find out more about PAY IT FORWARD, BANGLADESH at 

2. Article on Pay It Forward

3. Video about Pay It Forward Bangladesh


Wednesday, April 29, 2020


So Im down to write a series of 5 blogs on some Social organizations and people of pure soul from my hometown Chittagong, Bangladesh who have been relentlessly working to make a change. And today, heres the third one.


My beloved country Bangladesh is still a developing country which clearly indicates that more than 50% of our people still live under the poverty line. There are people who doesnt even have homes to reside and live in the streets, there are people who barely gets to eat a single meal a day, there are children who are deprived of education. Just for the betterment of these people of the society BIDYANONONDO Foundation was created.

BIDYANONDO Foundation logo
The word BIDYANONDO means to study with happiness and enjoyment. BIDYANONONDO was founded many years back with a view to providing free education to the underprivileged children of the society which mostly includes the street children. BIDYANONDO has been running this program in different regions of Bangladesh with volunteers from different educational institutions. Presently, BIDYANONDO is no less than a school which provides education from kindergarten students to tenth standard students. 


Though BIDYANONDO aimed towards free education at the beginning now it also serves the people with different programs as well. Such a program is the one taka meal. One taka meal includes distribution of lunch and dinner for the floating or homeless people just at one taka (0.0125 dollars). 

ONE Taka Meal

Besides, during the running pandemic of COVID-19, BIDYANONDO has been relentlessly working hands on hands with the Govt. for people of all walks. From the very beginning, they have been distributing masks, gloves and hand sanitizers free of cost. Moreover, they are also spraying dinfectants and distributing PPE and other safety materials for doctors in an effort to fight the spread of the corona virus. 

Spraying of Disinfectants

Distribution of PPE

This organization is also providing relief materials like food supplies to the poverty alleviated families all through out the country. During this Ramadan it also started raising money for providing free Iftar boxes to them.      


News of Bidyanondo's Relief distribution
Find out more about BIDYANONDO at Bidyanondo facebook page

Read about BIDYANONDO at Article about BIDYANONDO

Send Donations for BIDYANONDO at  Donation for BIDYANONDO 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


So I’m down to write a series of 5 blogs on some Social organizations and people of pure soul from my town Chittagong, Bangladesh who have been relentlessly working to make a change. And today, here’s the second one.

Humanitarian Organization ‘HONEST’:

Ever thought of doing good to people by selling different sort of products ?

Well, lets get introduced to "HONEST". HONEST is a Chittagong based online shop that sells products of different sorts and varieties. But behind the online shop it is actually a social organization that has been helping people of almost all walks of life.

Logo of  HONEST

HONEST is such an online shopping company which sells varied items starting from daily essentials to food supplies, clothing, stationery items, cosmetics etc at a cheaper rate than any other shop or market. The reason this is that HONEST makes a very little amount of profit from the products. Thus it becomes easy for people of all walks of life especially the underprivileged ones to buy anything at a lower cost than the usual. 

Volunteers of HONEST

Again, the minimum profit made by HONEST isn’t enjoyed by any individual. Rather all those profits are distributed or spent for the welfare of the society. This profit also reaches different charitable trusts or helpless people. Moreover there is also some free items available for anyone to take. These free items include mostly books and some study materials. One can giveaway any of his books or clothes to HONEST which will be received by anyone else free of cost. But in case of the clothes it has to be fresh or very slightly used.

PPE Distribution by HONEST

Presently, during this pandemic situation of COVID 19, HONEST has got its hands on for the society. Since there has been shortage for safety materials in Bangladesh from the very beginning, HONEST has already distributed a huge number of PPE and other safety gears for the doctors. Even it has also been selling hand sanitizers, mask, gloves at a very low cost whereas these are being a sold at a very high price in other stores or markets.

The volunteers of HONEST have been working for the betterment of the society and ease of the humakind for long. Such initaiatives that are making change in the society are much appreciated and expected by the humankind. Find out more about HONEST at its official facebook page:



        So I’m down to write a series of 5 blogs on some social organizations and people of pure soul from my town Chittagong, Bangladesh who have been relentlessly working to make a change. And today, here’s the very first one.

“Nasar: Friend of the anonymous”

With a population over 16 million, Bangladesh finds it difficult to provide proper treatment for all due to lack of enough doctors, nurses and also due to lack of budget. So its a common scenario in many Govt. Hospitals that under privileged people often die of not being treated properly. There’s also a worse situation when victims of road accidents or robbery or abductions get admitted into the Hospitals. They remain unknown or anonymous as long as there’s no family member or attendees for them and thus they remain neglected or untreated.

Article about Md Nasar in a Bengali Daily
Article about Md Nasar in an English Daily


This situation remained the same for Chittagong until Md Saiful Islam Nasar also known as “Nasar: Friend of the anonymous” showed up. An engineer by profession, Nasar finds it his duty to serve those anonymous patients all at his own until he gets them to their dearest ones. Mr. Nasar has been doing this noble job for the past fourteen years (since 2007) and the beginning was never easy. He had to pass through many ups and downs but never gave up. Many a times he was also misunderstood to be a gang member and was mistreated. But nothing kept him away. He never lost hope and kept pushing his limits. He was true to his ideologies and carried out his noble job passing through all odds. Every day after 8 hours of office he travels all the way to Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) just to pamper. Till date he has served about 800 of patients among which 450 have safely returned to their families.   

                                       A documentary on Nasar and his work

Today, after 14 years, Mr. Nasar stands as a successful social worker with a team of 8 members and has found the “Nasar Foundation” which does not only treat the unknown patients but also provides them with foods, clothes and money when necessary. Very recently, Nasar Foundation has also started a free ambulance service that aims to run through all over Bangladesh.


After all these good works, Md Nasar still plans to expand his work areas to all the Govt. Hospitals in the country. Recently, with the help of some sponsors a complete new cell just for the anonymous patients was inaugrated at the Chittagong MedicCollege Hospital (CMCH) by Nasar Foundation. 

The new cell for anonymous patients

Even today, in midst of this pandemic Md. Nasar and his team have relentlessly been working for the Covid 19 patients. They are also helping poverty alleviated families with food supplies during the lockdown.

Lucky me with MD Saiful Islam Nasar 

Nasar, the Friend of the anonymous patients dreams big. He doesn’t dream big for himself but for the society, for the people. “I don’t want money or popularity. All I want is a happy and peaceful society where we will be helping out each other at any situation irrespective of cast and religion”, says Md Nasar. Nasar believes in humanity. Money, fantasy, popularity, nothing could conquer him. Because all he wants is the betterment of the world.

Really the world will be a better place to reside if we all think positive with broad mentality like Md. Nasar.  Find out more about “Nasar: Friend of the anonymous” :-


Monday, April 20, 2020

Just a random pic

DATE: 13.20, April 20, 2020

Hello everyone, this is me again. So, today I’m wearing a navy blue t shirt, just a simple casual t shirt with a trouser (not seen in picture) and safety mask since its an ongoing pandemic right now.

The photo was taken yesterday just after I brought my food from downstairs. The picture says all about my situation right now, too much of depression and worries. And cant wait for this horrible days to come to an end when we can all get back to normal life. And yeah, also don’t wanna die of corona without seeing my parents. MAY ALLAH SAVE US.


S o I ’ m down to write a series of 5 blogs on some   Social organizations and people of pure soul   from my   hometown   Chittagong, Bangl...